Roberto José Moreno García

Attorney & Counselor At Law

  • Phone: (305) 2803-3145
  • FaceTime: (305) 2803-3145
  • Signal: (305) 2803-3145
  • Skipe: titomoreno1
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Psychologist, Lawyer and Journalist...

"As a lawyer and notary public, I provide legal services in general, with emphasis in the areas of municipal and commercial practice, transactions and registration of real estate, tax, civil and labor law."

I am able to guarantee a stable and excellent service in my legal services. For me, principles and values ​​based on ethics and professional commitment are essential.client. I have legal correspondence in Corn Island, Puerto Cabezas, Bluefields and Managua which allows me to meet service needs in the territories simultaneously.

My main policies

  • Quick and transparent response to your needs, with availability seven days a week and twenty-four hours a day.
  • Personalized service characterized by constant communication and excellent relationship between client and lawyer.
  • Proven experience through participation in important local and foreign transactions.