When you need experienced and knowledgeable support for a transaction that involves real estate, simply look for Roberto José Moreno García y Asociados.

Whether you are looking to acquire a property for business, recreational, retirement or industrial activities, or are considering leasing options for your business, in short, any transaction with real estate can benefit from our advice and assistance .

Transactions with real estate They may be deceptive: they may seem simple for you to handle on your own, but unless you truly know what you are doing, these transactions could easily create problems for you and others. Many try to handle these types of contracts on their own as a way to save money; However, a poorly worded property contract could leave you in a disadvantaged position if you later find that the property in question has a defect or problem in its legal structure. Also, inadequate research on title deeds could lead to headaches in the future, especially when registering property. In either case, the time and money necessary for the correction of errors in real estate is usually greater than the resources needed to have the assistance of a professional in the field in conducting these tasks.

Roberto José Moreno García y Asociados is ready and available to assist you in your next real estate transaction. Our real estate experts will have the opportunity to meet you and your particular needs and circumstances. This would be the starting point for formulating with you a plan for achieving your goals, and for your time and resources to be used in an efficient way. Our attorneys are committed to reputation and to gaining your trust through exceptional legal services and in-depth legal advice.

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  • Clear information.
  • Answers on time.
  • 100% participation with you in your case.
  • Our clients support us.